Parents have the God-given privilege to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). As a church family, we have the opportunity to encourage parents by serving and equipping them in this role. We aim to be a church where seasoned parents come alongside younger ones, where burdens are shared and prayed for, where children and teenagers feel safe and loved, and where we model what it means to be a Christian before the watching eyes of our young ones.
Sunday Mornings
Our Sunday worship service is a training ground for our children. Rather than seeking to entertain or distract them, we invite them to worship alongside the entire church body as we joyfully sing, pray, and hear from the Bible together. It is encouraging to see how much even a young child can absorb and learn during these times.
Nursery Care
A secure nursery is available for children birth through age four during our Sunday worship service. Safety is our highest priority: our caregivers have all passed a background check, and parents are welcome to stay and observe the nursery at any point. Each week, the children enjoy plenty of free play as well as a simple time of instruction that includes a Bible story, memory verse, song, and prayer.
Praise Factory Investigators
Let's investigate God's Word! Praise Factory encourages active minds, noisy joy and prayerful hearts (Psalm 100). Together, our children learn important Bible truths and Bible stories taught and reinforced through games, crafts, skits, stories, music and more. Aimed at children in Kindergarten through 5thgrade, we meet on most Wednesday evenings at 6:30-7:45 pm during the school year.
Youth Meetings
Teenagers meet most Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45 pm during the school year for a time of Bible study and fellowship. They are also always encouraged to participate in the regular life of the church and in service opportunities. Parents work together to provide opportunities for the students to have fun and build relationships.

The New Testament calls us to share our lives with each other and to be purposeful in our interactions. Discipleship happens through formal times of teaching, but it also occurs in every day interactions as we share our burdens (Galatians 6:2) and speak truth in love to one another (Ephesians 4:15). Here are some ways we try to grow together in Christ:
Corporate Prayer
Prayer is the most important work we can do together. We regularly seek the Lord through prayer together before Sunday services, during monthly Sunday evening services and care groups, and in other special gatherings for times of prayer.
Care Groups
Small group meetings have always been an important part of our church life. Here we pray together, study God's Word, discuss sermon application, sing together, and enjoy Christian fellowship. Typically, care groups meet once each month in homes or at the church building.
Sunday Fellowships
Men's & Women's Studies
We enjoy gathering separately as men and as women to study God's Word or to discuss a book about the Bible or the Christian life as a way to learn and sharpen one another. These times vary in scheduling and duration.

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10
The Bible teaches that when God gives us a new heart to love him, that new heart also desires to serve others. Crossway believers love to serve in organized ways, but more typically, we are busy meeting needs in a way is relational and often behind the scenes.
Within Our Family
Our first priority is to minister to the needs of those within our church family. This may be a meal taken to new parents, visiting a widow, showing hospitality, sharing our financial resources, and so much more.
Around Our Community
Over the years, our church has been blessed by opportunities to serve the greater Goldsboro community through ministries and organizations such as the Wayne Pregnancy Center, Kitty Askins, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. We have had occasions to contribute to the relief of the poor and to help those devastated by hurricanes. We also seek the good of our community and the spread of the gospel through regular, everyday involvement in the lives of those around us.
Woven throughout the entire Bible is the idea of hospitality: inviting strangers in. We seek to be hospitable during our church gatherings as well as in our homes. Our desire is to show the love of Christ by welcoming those new to our church and to those who do not know Christ.

The mission given to Jesus' disciples in Matt 28:19-20 is the same for believers today: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” As a church, we seek God's help to do this through gospel proclamation (Romans 10:14), through our public witness as a church (John 13:35), and by cooperating with other churches to further the gospel message around the world.
National & Global Missions
Crossway Church partners with HeartCry Missionary Society to support indigenous missionaries and their local churches. We also cooperate with The Master’s Academy International in order to support missionaries all over the world. We seek to give to these wonderful organizations but also to maintain regular contact with them as well.
Church Planting